28:38Episode 1
Beyond Bliss
Episode 1
In "Beyond Bliss," we see the life of a young man who had all the opportunities for a successful future but got stuck chasing the idea of happiness. After finding himself involved in acts of violence, with multiple charges, and now facing years in prison, Joseph's life took a turn for the worse. ...
28:38Episode 2
Suicidal Symphony
Episode 2
In "Suicidal Symphony," discover the transformative power of hope in the face of despair in this compelling episode of a young woman whose broken upbringing in London set the stage for a fractured life. Entangled in drugs, abuse, suicidal thoughts, and even devil worship, she was on the brink of ...
28:38Episode 3
Cancer Chronicles
Episode 3
Get ready as we witness a young girl, despite her church upbringing, embark on a path of partying, drugs, and alcohol. On this path Sapphire becomes trapped in an abusive relationship, surrounded by a cycle of violence. Troubled by what initially seemed like a mere common cold, Sapphire confronts...
28:22Episode 4
Madness in Methville
Episode 4
Watch the redemption story of Michael Ruiz, where the battleground for the soul unfolds. Exposed to a brutal grip of violence and a world of drugs, he begins to discover a painful reality. Becoming swept away by the currents of crystal meth, Mike descends into madness. However, in the abyss of ho...
29:50Episode 5
Tragedy's Test
Episode 5
Dive into the extraordinary life of Michelle Castro, a woman with a loving and faith-filled upbringing who fell for a man that introduced her to an unknown world. As a young mother, Michelle and her husband find themselves entangled in a situation beyond imagination. Confronted with a chance for...