“The Dark Side of Depression” is the story of Alexis Vasquez. Raised in a loving middle class home, everything seemed so perfect. Her parents' broken marriage pushed her to numb all pain with a lifestyle of partying. She was losing her mind the deeper she got into her addiction. After going into the Victory Outreach Women's recovery home she no longer desires the high life. Now she is a Pastor’s Wife building her family and taking the world for Jesus.
Up Next in Season 5
Haunted by Abortion
“Haunted by Abortion” is the story of Diana Gallardo. From a young age she became addicted to the power in running the streets and pimping girls. After experiencing a gang rape she decides to do the unthinkable. Tired of a life of misery, she looked to God to be her source of strength. Now she se...
A Father's Devestating Decision
“A Father's Devestating Decision” is the real life story of Eddie Perea. A christian household turned for the worse when Eddie got back into what he thought he turned away forever. His drug addiction turned him into a monster until a life threatening accident happened with his baby. At the mercy ...
Violent Lovers
“Violent Lovers” is the story of Gail Weathers. In this episode you will see a single mother selling drugs then becoming addicted herself. After finding herself in an abusive relationship she attemps suicide and miraculously survives. Now she is living a transformed life as a pastor's wife and ta...