“A Twisted Life” is the story of Sharon and Kenny Duncan. It starts with a young girl infatuated with a pimp. Falling in love, she was pimped out and abused. After getting multiple warrants her life was a disaster. Sharon experienced a miracle in her holding cell and finally saw God's love and grace over her life. After Sharon's encounter with the Lord, her boyfriend Kenny was transformed into a Man after God's heart.
Up Next in Season 2
Code Red
“Code Red” shows women across the world gathering in strategic cities to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ. In this evangelistic event, they face violence in the streets after speaking to women involved in prostitution. Take a look into some of the world’s most dangerous cities that are b...
The New Face of Heroin
“The New Face of Heroin” features the story of Julie Martin O’Toole. Author of Best Selling Book in Ireland entitled “Heroin.”
Heroin addiction is at an all time high around the world and in Ireland the streets are flooded with heroin addicts. Julie grew up in a good home with a lot of love but a... -
Gaining Through Loss
“Gaining through loss” features the story of Joe Cotinola. Growing up, Joe got caught up in a life of gang violence & drug abuse which led him to spending years behind bars. Soon after his release, he gave his life to Jesus. Yet, during his Christian walk, he encountered heavy loss within his...